with diverse individual experiences for more than 10 years, KKA I Gde Eka Sarmaja, FSAI has been working with hundreds of local companies, multinational companies and state-owned enterprises especially on employee benefits and insurance consulting.
Employee Benefits
Actuarial valuation under PSAK 24, IAS 19, ASC 715 and Funding Report | Termination benefit / early retirement strategy | Communication | Investment monitoring | Asset Liability Management | Employee Benefits Review | Employee benefits design | Insurance product and providers advice
Insurance Consulting
Statutory actuarial report for OJK submission | Actuarial review on technical reserve for financial statement | Experience Study Analysis / Assumptions Review | Pricing support - model and profitability testing | financial models and projections | reinsurance scheme review
our expertise.
Actuarial Valuation under PSAK 24
PSAK 24 covers accounting for employee benefits requires actuarial method and assumption to determine Actuarial Liability as of Balance sheet date and estimates accrue expense for the following year.
Funding Valuation for Pension Fund
Determine Funding Status and required contribution by Pension Fund Founder and members (if any), to make sure the fund sufficient to pay promised benefit.
Actuarial Valuation for Insurance Company
Provide Actuarial review report for submission to OJK, covers risk management, business overview and recommendation for management
Employee Benefit Funding Strategy
Develop a funding strategy and seeking the right product in the market and investment strategy to protect the employee benefit promise to employee at manageable cost
Governance and Risk Management
Support on regular governance process and documentation and risk management measures to enhance Pension Fund performance and services.
Insurance Product Development
Support for product development from idea generation and key features for differentiation. Improving customer value from product pricing and registration to OJK.
Health Benefit Analytics
Support claim analytics and utilisation to optimise the Health benefit plan design and seeking the best vendor with the right price. Develop wellness program and cost control management to improve the value to members at competitive benefit level
Investment - Assets / Liability Management
Support with scenarios and simulation to balance risk and return for meeting the optimal result for pension fund founder and members
Inhouse Training & Workshop
Tailored training in the area of pension, health and risk management